Recharge: 5 Simple Shifts to Energize Your Life by Heidi Hanna, Phd. is a must read for everyone. In fact, I’ve read twice. It presents effective strategies to help deal with stress. It starts by explaining what stress is and details what it does in your brain. But, it does so in a language that’s easy to understand – not a lot of scientific jargon.
State of Busyness
These days, everyone is living in a constant state of busyness. As a result, we are a society of tired and sick people, with stress being a normal state. Then sadly, we become dependent on stress just to function. The “shifts” provided by Dr. Hanna will help you manage the stress, ultimately making you a healthier happier person.
Recharge Rituals
One way to achieve that is by using Recharge Rituals, activities that nourish both your brain and body health against the effects of stressors. I was so happy to three of my favorite activities on the list of rituals: music, photography, and nature. I find photography extremely relaxing, and when I’m shooting indoors, there is always music playing as well. When I’m not shooting indoors, I enjoy peacefulness of the world by getting outside in nature.
What relaxing activities do you enjoy? Are you doing them enough?
Recharge Your Stress Away $15

Book Title: Recharge: 5 Simple Shifts to Energize Your Life
Book Description: Learn how to train the brain to manage energy more efficiently in order to help sustain optimal health, happiness and performance.
Book Author: Heidi Hanna
Book Format: Paperback
Date published: October 9, 2015
ISBN: 1544077858
Number Of Pages: 178